
  • A group of friends trapped in a vintage villa only to find out it is the nest of the Indonesian demon Mak …
  • A jaded high school English teacher is forced to re-evaluate his life when his novel is passed over for on…
  • 当一个雄心勃勃的纪录片导演把镜头对准一个为了赚钱而羞辱自己的美丽女人时,他发现了自己最黑暗的部分。
  • Jackie, the heiress to her husband's fortune after his death, who finally finds love again with a plastic …
  • Emily has mysteriously returned home to her mother and stepfather, after being missing for over a year - a…
  •   一对情侣前往德国一座农舍度假,却遭到一名德国纳粹军官亡灵的袭击,各种恐怖现象接二连三地发生,两人陷入一…
  • 一艘外星飞船坠毁在沙漠中一个与世隔绝的小镇上。它被保护的内容被破坏,释放出一种潜伏的寄生虫,攻击包括人类在…
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